Política de privacidad

Private Policy


Phx is compromised  on protect our website visitors  privacy

This policy defines how We handle your private informations

PHX website does not collect informations as:

  • Informations about your website visits
  • Informations about any interaction performed between you and this site

Website visit informations

We do not collect informations about your computer,  and your visits on our web site, as your IP address,  geographic localisation,  internet browser, reference,  Visit duration and website  numbers of views

We do not use cookies on this website.

Cookie is a text file send through a web server to a web browser and It is saved by this web browser

The text file is sent back to the server each time the browser requests a server page

This allows the webserver to identify and trace the web browser

A cookie can be saved by your browser on your computer  hard disk. These  informations are used to improve the usability and website marketing actions

Most of the browsers allows You to refuse to accept Cookies. (For example,  on the Internet Explorer,  You can refuse all the cookies clicking on  ‘tools”,  “internet options”,   “privacy” and selecting “’block all the cookies” using the slide selector .This will have a negative impact on the navegability on many sites.

We do not use or collect your personal data during website access

Personal data

For LGPD (General Data Protection Law), are considered personal data, all the kinds of data that can lead to one person identifcation. Some kinds of personal data include

Full Name, Identification card (ID), TAX ID, Passport, Driver’ s License, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, IP Address, Date of Birth, GPS Localization, among others.

The personal data are protected by LGPD, and go beyond the documents and traditional informations, as name and  phone number.

Sensitive Data

It is a kind of data that deserves more attention.

Sensitive data are also considered personal data for LGPD.

However,  the difference is that They can lead to discrimination or prejudice.

So sensitive data are: racial or ethnic origin,  religious belief ,  political opinion,   union membership,  or a religious, philosophical or political  organization membership, and also data related to a health or sexual life,  genetic or biometric data,  when related to a natural person.

Policy Changes

At any time, We can update this privacy policy, publishing a new website version

Third Parties Website

Our website contains links to other websites.

We are not responsable for the third parties privacy policies.

Good  Practices  Security Informations

PHX,  is in accordance with  Brasil ‘s Privacy Policy,  on what is  related to collect,   use and retention of personal informations and certifies the Good Information Security Practices   related to the notification,  choose,  transference,  security and integrity of the dates,   access and inspection.


If You have any doubt or question about this privacy policy,  or about the handling of your personal data,  please contact us,  through the email:sac@phxservices.com